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Cybernetics: The Science of Mind Control.

A.I. art created by Beau Tardy ©2022 

Art, science and technology are the forces that shape our experience and understanding of the world.

The new electronic age started with radio and the postmodern age was in full force by the time TV came along. TV was invented before WWII but was held back in favor of the amplification of radio, which was radar and sonar. Since then the world has been mapped using our ears instead of the traditional Renaissance visual perspective bias. Radar has had a huge influence on astronomy, which has now led to a complete remapping of the universe and its explanation.

A.I. generated art by Beau Tardy ©2022

The other invention of WWII was cybernetics. Cybernetics has been greatly amplified today with the implementation of social media, which is the mapping of the social ‘consciousness’ including the ‘collective unconsciousness’. Radio and TV have been accelerated to become mobile ‘smart’phones, called smart because they hurt. The electronic law of reciprocity means smart phones are receivers as well as transmitters. This is obvious in the case of Twitch, Twitter and Facebook where people transmit their everyday lives. Gaming is the new work. Flash mobs, i.e. antifa, are gaming applied to the streets. They are commanded and controlled though smart phones. They are engaged in tribal warfare much like the denizens of Papua New Guinea. 

A.I art created by Beau Tardy ©2022

Fake news is a warfare propaganda tool of using two different tracks of information simultaneously. In France there are signs at railway crossings that say one train can hide another. This is what fake news is. One transmission hides another. In fact instead of just pointing out fake news it is important to look at what the fake news is hiding.Fake news will reveal the real news by looking in the opposite direction, or askance, or peripherally as with cubism. Trains today are obsolete just as is commuting to the office or school. All work is now done remote. Smart phones are social remote controls.

A.I. art created by Beau Tardy ©2022

WWII shifted the paradigm to cybernetics, which is the science of command and control, based as it is on active tracking, or self-regulating feedback loops. This is the science of targeting and snooping. It is called ‘information gathering’, or ‘data mining’, whereby patterns are discerned and used as predictors of future outcomes. These automatic self-regulating systems are the servomechanisms that Marshall McLuhan warned us about. This has led to the ostracizing and eliminating of that which is deviant from the mean, through outright censorship, hate speech laws and now self-censorship behavior such as wearing a mask in public. This corralling towards the mean and pruning anything that steps out of the ‘mainstream’ is a direct function of cybernetics.

A.I. art created by Beau Tardy ©2022

Anyone who is popular on social media is actually a social media servomechanism; that is, a function of the ‘algorithm’. When a different outcome is desired, the algorithm is then altered, dictating a different behavior pattern. Much like Marshall McLuhan’s paddler in a canoe who becomes the servomechanism of the canoe. Content producers who upload content to Youtube or Twitch or any other social media platform are actually unpaid workers of these corporations. Thus we have a new feudal system of unpaid serfs who must respond and respect the algorithm or become outcasts and ‘TOS’-ed out. 


Terms of service are actually bills of sale for technocratic slavery.

A.I. art created by Beau Tardy ©2022

As mentioned above physical transportation by trains, planes, automobiles or ships is rendered obsolete through cybernetics. This is illustrated by the seizing of the very vocabulary of transportation by cybernetics. Thus social media websites are called ‘platforms’, communication flows through ‘channels’, IP (internet protocol) distribution is called ‘tunneling’, information is delivered via ‘packets’, browsing is called ‘navigating’, etc. Any business based on physical transportation is in difficulty today because of cybernetics, especially the business of transporting human beings. Why move when our brains can travel faster than our bodies ever will? Therefore we have reached the end of ‘travel’. The great industries of human travel are fading away rapidly. The automobile industry and the airline industry are facing headwinds they will not recover from. Displacement and the transportation of goods will be the reserve of robots, all controlled through cybernetics. 

Beau Ledoux Tardy ©2022

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Life After Google by George Gilder – Book Review

Life After Google by George Gilder

Unable and unwilling to call this a ‘book’ I can only refer to it as an unedited collection of Dictaphone notes hastily scribbled down at random by Mr. Gilder’s copyist. I frankly doubt he ever read the final draft. Even an editor could not put order into this chaos. As a proponent of communication theory George Gilder here presents noise without any signal.

While the original premise sounds enticing enough, that human creativity and ‘surprise’ will circumvent and overrun the megalithic monstrosities erected by the deterministic priesthood of the new religion of Artificial Intelligence, the exposition proves limp-wristed and muddled, at very best. Simply wishing for a better world does not make it so.

George Gilder propounds a vanguard of free-willed individuals and creative adventurers who heroically break the mold and over-power the Google Goliath with their unpredictable slingshots. Paradoxically he selects cryptocurrency as his magic bullet with its shadowy ‘Cypherpunk’ underworld origins. He even goes so far as (bit)coining the awkward neologism ‘cryptocosm’. Undoubtedly fashioned after the Latin word ‘crypta’ for cavern (yes!) and the Greek ‘kosmos’ for order in the universe. Interesting to note also that ‘currency’ comes from the verb to run, therefore we are here presented with the opportunity to run in an orderly fashion round and round in a cave. Which is exactly what Gilder’s circular arguments do. Nowhere is there a cogent proposal enlightening us on how to break the bonds of the Matrix and exit this madness.

For there is no doubt on the urgency of the matter and would a real solution be offered it should be heralded on the rooftops. The titans of tech have us tied to their tethers. We are ever so more enmeshed in their perfidious net as we simply seek to perform our daily tasks. From shopping, to studying, to communicating -and with the internet of everything, to our cars and our refrigerators, we are left unable to escape their greedy grasp. For if on the internet ‘Information wants to be free’ we are paying for it with our very souls. Indeed, identity theft and intellectual property theft are the pillars that under-gird this monument to the machine. As value is sucked out of us and compiled into server farms nestled in the glades and valleys of Oregon and New Zealand, even our money is being replaced by a credit score.

But so how does ‘cryptocurrency’ set us free? Well, it doesn’t and it can’t. Despite – and in fact because of – the claims of decentralized nodes, edges, blockchains, endless Turing algorithms, we are evermore prisoners of the grid. Think of it. How much more enslaved are we in a tomb (crypt) fashioned from blocks, tethered to us by chains, forcing us run to in place (currency). Words have meaning. Cryptocurrency and blockchains do not set us free but tie us down inexorably to the hive mind of the mega-machine. George Gilder utterly fails to see this as he desperately tries to ingratiate himself with the Big Tech prophets and Silicon sages. His school girl crush on Silicon Valley hipsters belied by endless pages of name-dropping decries his purported disruption and underlines his myopia. For if we are to expect salvation from the giant machine it is not by diving into the fractals of the grid that we will find it. The circle cannot be squared.

The ‘singularity’ is coming. The event horizon nears as the entire world becomes Google mapped, our desires become robot-sexed, our fantasies become cookie-tracked, our dreams become virtual-reality and our souls become ‘blockchained’. What is left is a tribal world of sameness (subversively presented as diversity) statistical meanness and average outcomes. Outliers can be pegged and increasingly are excluded, if not downright terminated by the deterministic priesthood of Big Tech as clearly evidenced by the current massive censorship purges on social media. The ‘tall poppies’ are cut down and anyone who stands out is made to lay low or be de-personned. So while George Gilder may wish to present himself as a voice crying out in the desert, he comes across as a mere Don Quixote chasing bits and bytes. His false prophecies are blind to the cliff we have indeed fallen off and he cannot see the mountain for he is stuck in a cave.

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Old News.

The oil leak from the BP platform that exploded last week is spreading havoc and having devastating global consequences. Although 11 people have died as a result of the explosion that of course is nothing compared to the total decimation of the shrimp population of the entire Gulf Coast, even though shrimp are fished from Tallahasee to Corpus Christie. Just think of all the shrimp dishes we will no longer be able to enjoy: shrimp poboys, shrimp etouffe, barbecue shrimp, shrimp a l’orange, shrimp parfait, shrimp milkshakes and shrimp icecream. Add to that the sliming of the poor pelican population and everyone can clearly see why there is cause for a major federal government intervention. In fact the president of the USA is going to fly over the slimy slick so he can see first hand the devastation from 33,000 feet and of course make a pronouncement as to why we should be using soy bean husks for energy instead of oil.

NASA scientists, the very same ones that crashed an $2 million telescope into a parked car last week in the Australian outback, have warned that the slick will spread beyond the mouth of the Mississippi river. In fact they say it will probably crawl upstream and slime the very city of New Orleans that has known so much devastation over the past years, to the point that TV producers have decided that every new TV show should be about New Orleans. The oil slick could thus reach the city shores and catch on fire, probably burning down that venerable historical 15 year old riverboat the Natchez. Why the thing is called the Natchez is anyones guess as it is anchored in the port of New Orleans, but who cares the fire will take care of that mystery once and for all. Countless tourists will die which will be another blow to the industry that feeds on the myth that everyone who comes to New Orleans will have a life changing experience. For once this will be a life changing experience for them and a final one at that. This will no doubt simply add to the aura of mystery and charm that so infuses the very atmosphere of New Orleans.

After that rampage the slick will spread east towards the coast of Florida where it will reach Key West killing every living thing in its path. This will spell the end of entire ecosystems from the coral reef to Margaritaville to gay bars. Countless Cuban and Haitian boat people will be slimed leading to a humanitarian disaster which will prompt the president to declare that any rescued boat people will automatically become American citizens and be given federal government desk jobs.

The slick will then slime the entire East Coast of the US, concentrating specifically on the blue states of Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania, New Jersey and New York somehow miraculously skipping Georgia and Virginia. The oil tide will invade New York harbor sliming the statue of Liberty which will prompt world wide headlines of ‘America Finally Gets It Due’, ‘ The World’s Slimer Gets Slimed’, ‘Land Of Liberty or Land Of Greedy Oil Bastards’, etc…

Not content with endangering the entire US economy, that otherwise was just on the verge of a fantastic recovery, the slick will then migrate across the pond to slime the coasts of the political elite’s favorite vacation destination, Western Europe. The UK (from now on pronounced ‘uck’) France and Spain will be forever soiled by the waste coming from America, which they will declare has been happening all along dating back to the invention of rock and roll (although the English will contend that rock and roll was invented in England but spoiled by Americans).

This will prompt the Euro block to blame the entire world wide recession and the polluting of the entire planet and of the moon, on America. Therefore requesting that America pay restitution to Europe for the irreparable mental and environmental harm done to its fauna, flora and psyche. With the money Europe will rebuild Greece to its former glory complete with nude Olympic games and re-instituted man-boy love.

The perfidious propagating petrochemical pollutant will make its way through the Straights of Gibraltar, from now on simply named the Straights of Tar, to invade the Mediterranean sea. Here in an unexpected twist the Black Tide will swamp the shores of the West Bank leaving completely untouched the hundred miles of adjacent Israeli beaches, sending the luminaries at the Untied Nations into a frenzy. They will make the obvious point that this is absolute proof of the conspiracy by America and Israel to deprive the Palestinians of their livelihood, namely tourism. For it is well known that international tourists flock to the pristine beaches of the West Bank to indulge in the ever so catchy trend of wearing topless burkas, whereby the head is covered yet the breasts are bare. From now on the taste of falafels will be forever spoiled by a heady tinge of sweet crude.

The untidy tide will then squeeze its way through the Suez Canal dumping into the Red Sea, now called the Maroon Sea. It will find its way to the east coast of Africa where it will be responsible for killing off countless species of endangered wildlife, including elephants, rhinos, gorillas, pygmies and the South African rugby team, heretofore named the Springboks.

Making its way to the west coast of Australia it will cause inflation to the price of seafood. Where before a pound of shrimp used to cost $25 it will now cost $125, prompting the labour government to offer a $100 coupon to anyone who buys a pound of shrimp, whereby the canny fish mongers will up the price to $225.

Further the unrelenting river of ruin will meander through the rest of the Pacific decimating nations as far afield as Japan, the Philippines, Tonga and Tahiti, finally resting at Rapa Nui, otherwise know as Easter Island. There, after killing off Darwin’s fascinating boobies and other countless lizards, it will catch fire in a gigantic conflagration that will melt the mysterious giant carved heads. This will start off a chain of events of cosmic proportions as it will be discovered that the heads were built there millions of years ago by a friendly alien race to balance the Earth on its axis, by serving as a counterweight to the magnetic North Pole.

The Earth will then fall off its axis and spin freely into space, first bumping into the moon and then careening off towards Alpha Centauri. The atmosphere will freeze due to the ever increasing distance from the Sun but not before the Earth gets pounded by giant asteroids sent by enemy aliens based on Pluto who feared an attack. For it will be found out, too late but nevertheless, that Pluto always was a planet but the aliens were using a clever cloaking device to hide the fact that it was their home base.


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